[15.2.0] Sunsu Bunkai Section-15: Counter to a Punch

[15.2.0] Sunsu Section-15 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch

[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]

[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Punches
Part-2 Defender: Elbow Strikes
  • Parry block and the punch to the outside your body centerline
  • Grasp the assailant’s obi, and pull the assailant’s hips forward
  • Drive the point of the elbow into the solar plexus or throat
  • Horizontal elbow strike right
  • Horizontal elbow strike left

Information: Grabbing the obi (belt) was a common self-defense practice in the past. It makes breaking someone’s balance easy. It can also damage the lower back, but mostly it controls the opponent’s movement.

Part-3 Defender: Obi-otoshi [Suffix Technique]
  • Grasp the assailant’s obi and pull the assailant’s hips forward.
  • Step between his/her legs and sweep one leg while pushing the attacker backwards and to the ground.

Note: After both elbows the attacker will be more compliant and easier to throw.

[End Series]

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