[18.1.1] Sunsu Bunkai Section-18: Counter to a Lung Punch

[18.1.1] Sunsu Section-18 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lung Punch

[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black-Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker throws a lung punch with a traditional twist punch
Part-2 Defender: Shoulder Strike and Back Knuckle
  • Turn sideways as the attacker moves forward. Move to the outside to prevent him/her from throwing a punch with the other hand.
  • Trap punch with the L-H and rotate the attacker’ arm until elbow is against your chest.

Note: The attacker is doing most of the work for you via his momentum

  • Hang onto the attacker’s arm with the L-H.
  • Pull the attacker’s arm across your body.
  • Dislocate the attacker’s elbow with your bicep, forearm, or shoulder.
  • Back-fist to jaw line or temple [knockout].

[End Series]

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