[20.2.0] Sunsu Bunkai Section-20: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[20.2.0] Sunsu Section-20 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black-Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Normally the focus is on removing the attacker’s grasp, but truthfully if his/her hands are on your lapels they’re tied up. Striking the opponent will happen unimpeded. A quick strike can prevent the attacker from turning and landing the throw. The key is to strike quickly.
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker grabs lapel
Part-2 Defender: Groin Strike, Palm-heel, Knee, Punch
- Groin strike the attacker.
- Palm-heel strike the attacker’s chin.
- While the attacker is distracted, grasp his/her obi (belt)
- Snap backwards on the obi.
Warning: This can cause a lower back injury, so be careful during training.
- Knee strike the attacker’s groin.
- Vertical Snap Punch to the Solar Plexus
[End Series]

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