[15.4.1] Kusanku Bunkai Section-15: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[15.4.1] Kusanku Section-15 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab
[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu/jujitsu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1Attacker: Grabs both Lapels
- Attacker grasps both lapels
Part-2 Defender: Twin Palm Heel and Twin forearm strike with Tai-otoshi
- Push your forearms between his/her grasp.
- Pull both hands back activating the nerves in his/her forearms.
- Wedge his/arms out slightly.
Note: Make the attacker believe you’re trying to free yourself, and just before he/she turns to throw you hit then with the double palm strike.
- Push forwards with a twin palm heel strike to the head and bladder simultaneously.
- Strike with Heaven and earth to remove the attacker’s grasp.
- Trap the attacker’s left wrist with your (RH),
- Underhook the attacker’s armpit with your left arm.
Note: You can also wrap your arm around the attacker’s neck.
- Turn 180° and throw the attacker with tai-otoshi.

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