[16.4.1] Kusanku Bunkai Section-16: Counter to a Double Lapel Grab

[16.4.1] Kusanku Section-16 Kaishaku: Counter to a Double Lapel Grab

[Source:] [Isshin-Ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Double Lapel Grasp
  • Double lapel grasp to set-up a throw.
Part-2 Defender: Hammer fist, Shuto, Choke, Throw
  • Hammer-fist strike to ribs (LH).
  • Hammer-fist strike to ribs (RH).
  • Shuto down on Carotid Plexus or collarbone (LH).
  • Shuto down on Carotid Plexus or collarbone (RH).
  • Shoot both hands upward in spear-finger strike to throat.
  • Cross lapel choke.
  • Turn backwards 180° and pull the attacker down in front of you and choke the attacker unconscious.
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