[5.4.0] Naihanchin Bunkai Section-5: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[5.4.0] Naihanchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[Source:] Isshin-ryu/jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic to Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
  • Step into a side-stance.
  • Trap or intercept the punch and pull the attacker forward breaking their balance.
Part-2 Defender: Sweeps the lead leg (Advancing Foot Sweep)
  • Sweep the back of their heel causing them to elongate their stance. Use the momentum of their punch to destabilize their foundation.
  • Hammer-fist strike to the face or solar-plexus whichever target is presented.
Part-3 Hammer-fist Blow
  • Hammer-fist strike to the face or solar-plexus whichever target is presented.
Part-4 Defender: Neck Crank
  • Press one hand into the chin.
  • Grasp the back of the attacker’s head by the hair.
  • Quickly twist the attacker’s neck.
Part-4 Defender: Alternate Techniques

Note: Not everything goes as planned. The way the attacker falls will determine your final blow.

Note:  If he does not drop low enough spear-finger strike the throat.

  • Spear finger to the throat.

Note: Strike is delivered palm upwards, so the fingers are not hyper extended when the opponent drops his/her chin in a reflex effort to protect the throat.

  • Palm-heel strike the temple or chin.

Note: If you cannot grasp the hair or chin drive a palm-heel into the side of the attacker’s jaw.

[End Series]

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