[6.1.1] Naihanchin Bunkai Section-6: Counter to a Punch

[6.1.1] Naihanchin Section-6 Kaishaku: Counter to a Punch
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Steps Forward and Punches
Part-2 Defender: Trap, Spear finger, Crossover heel Kick and Knee Strike
- Trap the punch (RH).
- Pull the attacker forwards and down (RH).
- Spear finger strike or palm-heel the attacker (LH).
- Crossover heel kick to the attacker’s knee joint.
- Knee strike to groin or head.
According to Motobu sources the lifting of the leg is a hidden techniques meaning a kick in any direction or type necessary.
Part-3 Attacker: [Suffix Technique] Pulls Away
Part-4 Defender: [Suffix Technique] Side Kicks
- Side-kicks the adversary as they try to move away.
End Series]
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