[7.2.0] Wansu Bunkai Section-7: Counter to a Grasp of Shoulder from Behind

[7.2.0] Wansu Section-7 Kaishaku: Counter to a Grasp of Shoulder from Behind

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
Rating: Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Shoulder Grab (from behind)
Part-2 Defender: Circular Block, Knee, and Punch
  • Turn 90° and circular knife-hand block removing the attacker’s grasp.
  • Trap the attacker’s hand with your blocking hand.

Note: You can also place the attacker’s arm in an elbow lock.

  • Pull the attacker forward into a knee strike to groin or bladder area.
  • The attacker will use his/her free hand to block the knee-strike.
  • Drive a vertical snap-punch the attacker’s jaw or solar-plexus.

Note: You can maintain control or release the trapped hand before striking.  If you do not pull the trapped hand to your obi, the attacker can move backwards out of the circle of combat.

[End Series]

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