[9.2.1] Naihanchin Bunkai Section-9: Counter to a Lapel Grasp

[9.2.1] Naihanchin Section-9 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grasp
[Source:] Isshin-ryu/jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Grasps your Lapels for a Throw
Part-2 Defender: Breaks Attacker’s Grip
- Strike the attacker across the chest with your left forearm and grab the attacker’s lapel. Grasp the attacker’s collar with your other hand and straighten your arm.
- Sweep the ankle of the attacker in the opposite direction from the one you’re pushing. (De-ashi-harai)
Theory: This move sets up the next. If you want to take an opponent in one direction you push him/her in the opposite direction. When you feel their resistance, you take them in the direction they’re pushing or pulling.
- When the opponent resists the ankle sweep and pulls backwards, change your grasp on the attacker’s lapel and collar. Straighten the arm holding the collar hand and straighten your arm.
- Reap the knee of the attacker in the opposite direction than you’re pushing. Lift the adversary’s leg so the opponent is on one leg and push hard backwards.
Theory: When an opponent is on one leg, they can be thrown in any direction. You will follow the adversary to the ground. Insure his/her arms are tied up so they cannot break their fall. Your body should land on theirs to increase the impact. The object here is to have them strike the ground with the back of their head.
[End Series]

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