[17.6.0] Kusanku Bunkai Section-17: Counter to a Knee Strike

[17.6.0] Kusanku Section-17 Kaishaku: Counter to a Knee Strike
Hanto kata: [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] What-if Scenario
This is a complex series because it combines three lessons learned. The first portion is a simple response to a knee strike, and the second portion is the attacker’s response for what to do if someone grabs your leg. If your leg is grasp lean forward and grasp the opponent. This stops the throw because he/she will be thrown with you. The third portion of the what-if scenario is what to do if the attacker tries to grasp you to prevent being thrown. There is a lot to glean form this simple series of maneuvers. There are three different applications inside this one bunkai. Other organizations use these What-If applications a lot. I however tend to stay away from them. This could have been broken into two different applications, but it does flow in this instance.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Around Your Neck for a Knee Strike
Part-2 Defender: Twin Forearm Block the Knee Strike
- Pull back into a cat to create space.
- Execute twin forearm block to stop the knee strike.
Note: In the kata the arms cross at the wrists, but when blocking a knee strike in a real confrontation the forearms need to be flatten out to better absorb the blow.
- Knee strike right leg.
- Jumping kick with the left leg.
Part-3 Attacker: Attacker Avoids the Jumping Kick and Front Kicks
- Attacker front kicks.
Part-4 Defender: Blocks Kick and Traps Leg.
- Catch the attacker’s front Kick.
Part-5 Attacker: Leans Froward and Tries to Gasp your Lapels or Shoulders.
Note: Grabbing you is a natural reaction to prevent being thrown. Once they have grasp you they can use your platform to stabilize their own.
Part-6 Defender: Middle Block One-Two Combination
- Middle forearm strike to remove the attacker’s grasp.
- Deliver a one-two strike to the attacker’s solar-plexus.
[End Series