[9.4.1] Chinto Bunkai Section-9: Counter to a Front Kick and Tie-Off

[9.4.1] Chinto Section-9 Kaishaku: Counter to a Front Kick and Tie-Off
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Basic
This is a response to the opponent’s countering the simple catch the foot and throw technique. This series counters the opponent’s tying-off to you to prevent being thrown. It is more in line with the actual movements within the kata, but there is only a narrow window where it is effective. If you’re on the outside of the kick it is very difficult for your opponent to tie-off, but if you catch the kick on the inside, they can grasp you to prevent being thrown.
I have seen this technique executed when I was a child. My dad and one of his brothers were wrestling in the living-room. My pop grabbed my uncle to throw him with morote-gari (Double Leg Takedown). The end result was my dad pushing my uncle into the wall because they were inside the house as opposed to throwing him to the floor. The crushed wall board impressed me, but it didn’t please my mom. Even more miraculously, mom’s brother-in-law was able to repair the damage leaving no trace of pop’s fuax pas. Pop’s idea was to move a cabinet in front of the hole before mom saw it. That didn’t work well for him.
Part-1 Attacker: Front Kicks off the Back-Leg
Part-2 Defender: Leg Throw and Kick
- Step backwards into a crane stance to remove your centerline targets grab the attacker’s kick.
- Strike the solar-plexus or groin with the lead hand.
- Grasp the attacker’s obi (belt).
- After the second the blow has landed, use your rear leg to kick to the attacker’s groin or support leg.
Note: If you’re in too close you can drive your knee into the attacker’s support leg or groin.
Theory: Use the top of the foot and strike upwards when attacking the groin. Drive your foot or shin upwards and try to lift the attacker off the ground. If the attacker’s legs are too close together, use the ball of the foot to kick out the support leg.
Part-3 Attacker: Leans Forward and Grasp your shoulders or Neck
Note: To maintain your balance and prevent being thrown grasp the opponent. Placing your weigh on him/her enables you to maintain your balance and if you go down you take them to the ground with you.
Part-4 Defender: Morote-gari
- Head butt the attacker to loosen their grip.
- Drop down and drive your fists behind the opponent’s legs and throw him/her with a double leg takedown.
- Push the attacker’s knees together lift and twist breaking the attacker’s balance.
[End Series]