[4.5.1] Seiunchin Bunkai Section-4: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[4.5.1] Seiunchin Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Old Bunkai]
[Rating:] Basic
There is more than one counterattack in this series. You do not need to complete all the steps within this response. The counterattacked may be completed with the wristlock, or it could be completed with the wristlock and back knuckle. The low block that deflects the attacker’s punch is followed by driving your back knuckle fist into xiphoid process in one fluid motion. This piece also teaches you the ability to transfer control of the attacker from one hand to the other. Controlling the aggressor’s wrist may not be enough of a counterattack. It also teaches the student that after making the block the same hand can continue to be used as a weapon. Bunkai is not a paint by numbers process. You can use a piece of this coupled with a piece of that to create your response to an attack. Bunkai is only a suggestion.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Wrists (Attacker’s Right-Hand Gasps Your Left-Hand)
Part-2 Defender: Roll your Fist over His/Her Wrist for a Wristlock
Note: When the hands stack, it is a finger or wristlock. (Tuite)
- Roll your hand over the top of the attacker’s grasp and trap his/her fist with your other hand. (LH)
- Pull backwards into a Cat stance to break the attacker’s balance.
- Grasp the attacker’s wrist with your (LH).
- Turn into Seisan dachi (Forward Stance).
- Back-knuckle strike to the opponent’s head (RH).
- Apply a wristlock to the trapped hand before the opponent can regain their composure and counterattack(RH & LH).
- Step forwards into Shiko Dachi.
- Transfer control of the attacker’s wrist and hand to your (RH).
- Increase pressure to the Inner Wristlock with the right and left hands as you turn into Shiko dachi.
- Low block and reinforce the wrist/elbow lock or strike the attacker.
[End Series]

Part-4 Attacker: Turns Out of Lock and Front Kicks
Note: In this bunkai you are taught the escape from the arm lock as-well-as the lock. If the opponent lands the lock, you will have a difficult time rolling out of it, so the counter must be made the second you feel the lock being applied.
- Bend the elbow and pull your hand to your waist while turning of the lock CCW.
Note: Turn the wrong direction and you will increase pressure on the lock.
Part-5 Defender: Low Block and Throw
- Step backwards in Shiko dachi to create distance.
- Trap the kick and drive forearm into the attacker’s thigh.
- Throw the attacker with Kuchiki-daoshi (Leg Throw)