[2.1.9] Seiunchin Bunkai Section-2: Counter to Reach for a Lapel Grab

[2.1.9] Seiunchin Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to Reach for a Lapel Grab

[Source:] Goju-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate

This is a version from another style. In that style the stance is on an angle and not straight. This angle changes the bunkai slightly.

Part-1 Attacker: Reaches for Lapels
Part-2 Defender: Wedge Blocks
  • Drive your arms between the attackers.
  • Rotate the hands over and press downward on the attacker’s forearms.

Part-3 Defender: Moves Behind Attacker

  • Grasp the attacker’s arm and spin behind them.

Note: This is not a Duck-Under technique. You pull yourself around the attacker on the outside.

  • From behind grasp the attacker’s chin.
  • Place your free hand against the attacker’s obi (belt).
  • Twist the attacker’s chin and push against the opponent’s belt to break their balance.
  • Drop the attacker to the tatami (ground).

[End Series]

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