Kuzushi Direction Technical Terms

Uke’s Direction:

When we give technical information on the direction that uke’s balance should be broken it is from uke’s perspective and not Tori’s. We will use Judo terminology in this discussion because of Judo’s dominance in the throwing arts. This can be confusing but hopefully this article will aid the student in understanding this fundamental part of the range-two personal combat.


Pushing the opponent backwards can take the core out of alignment. Getting the opponent on his/her heels breaks the stance and creates a pivot point. To beak the attacker’s balance backwards you may need to pull uke forwards until they resist. When they resist quickly push them backwards.


Pulling the attacker forwards up on his/her toes breaks the opponent’s balance forwards. This can be done via pulling on the attacker’s lapels, wrists, or shoulders. To beak the attacker’s balance forwards you may need to push uke backwards until they resist. When they resist quickly yank them forwards.

Right Front Corner:

Pull down and forwards on the opponent’s right-hand while pushing on the attacker’s left shoulder. The push on uke’s left shoulder can be made by gripping and pushing the attacker’s lapel or by pushing with your forearm or shoulder. Wrapping your arm around the attacker’s neck while pulling down and forward on uke’s right hand is another option.

Left Front Corner:

Pull down and forwards on the opponent’s left-hand while pushing on the attacker’s right shoulder. The push on uke’s right shoulder can be made by gripping and pushing the attacker’s lapel or by pushing with your forearm or shoulder. Wrapping your arm around the attacker’s neck while pulling down and forward on uke’s left hand is another option

Right Back Corner:

Pull down on the opponent’s right-hand and underhook and lift the left shoulder while pulling their shoulders towards your right shoulder. Rotate the opponent’s shoulder in a clockwise rotation.

Left Back Corner:

Pull down on the opponent’s left-hand and underhook and lift the right shoulder while pulling their shoulders towards your left shoulder. Rotate the opponent’s shoulder in a counterclockwise rotation.

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