[2.4.1] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Knee Strike

[2.4.1] Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Knee Strike

[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs around your neck and tries to pull you into a knee strike

Note: When you Throw a knee wrap your hands around the attacker’s neck.

Warning: Do not lace your fingers together. If you do, you can get your fingers broken.

Part-2 Defender: Heaven and Earth Blocks
  • High shuto forearm strike under the attacker’s chin.
  • Palm Strike to stop the knee.

Note: High shuto can be used to strike under the attacker’s chin. Palm-heel pressing block stops the knee strike

Part-3 Attacker: Maintains Their Grip
Part-4 Defender: Middle Blocks to Remove Grasp
  • Remove the attacker’s grasp with the forearm with what resembles a middle forearm block.

Note: Rotate your hips to increase power in the block. This loads the hips for a counterpunch.

Part-5 Defender: Vertical Punch
  • Rotate your hips and drive the Vertical Snap punch into the attacker’s solar plexus.

Note: Rotate your hips, as your driver your forearm, into the attacker’s arm. This rotation loads the hips for your snap punch. We rotate the hips to generate power.

[End Series]

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