[5.5.0] Kusanku Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Shoulder Grab from Behind

[5.5.0] Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Shoulder Grab from Behind
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grabs Shoulder from Behind.
- The assailant wants to sucker punch you, so you must be proactive in your attack.
Part-2 Defender: Block and Punch
- You feel the grasp.
- Turn and middle block the attacker’s grasping arm.
- Pull the arm back slightly and slide down the attacker’s arm delivering a vertical snap punch.
Rule: If you touch someone, you hurt someone.
Note: The middle block must inflict pain. Drive the knuckles into the attacker’s biceps. If the blow is to the outside of the attacker’s arm, drive the knuckles into the muscle. If the blow is to the inside of the attacker’s arm drive your knuckles into the nerves of the biceps. On a rare occasion you may be able to drive the knuckles into the attacker’s head.
Theory: Turning 180 ° will increase the power of middle block.
- Drive a reverse punch into the attacker’s solar-plexus.
Theory: The block becomes both defense and attack.
Theory: In kata we assume they’re our own height, but your punch may be thrown higher or lower depending upon the adversary’s height. The Okinawan palace guard would practice varying the target’s location.
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