[2.2.4] Seisan Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[2.2.4] Seisan Section-2 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse Punch
[Source:] Non-AOKK Isshin-ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Basic
Comment: There are different versions of Seisan. In one version no hand is chambered. In another version, of this kata, the fist is pulled back as it is done in Sunsu, so it never truly chambers. This is a bunkai that comes from those versions.
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
Part-2 Defender: Middle Blocks
- Middle block the punch using the same side opposite of the attack’s blow. (LH)
Note: This opens up the attacker’s centerline targets. It is better to be on the outside, but that is not always possible.
Part-3 Attacker: Punches with his/her free hand.
Part-4 Defender Snap Punch over Attacker’s Blow
- Counterattack with a vertical snap punch. This punch impedes the attacker’s second blow by getting inside the attacker’s punching arm.
Note: In many Isshin-ryu schools the punch is rapidly pulled back into a guarding position. This snap back motion drives the defender’s knuckles into the attacker’s forearm pushing their arm away from their body and opens the attacker’s centerline vulnerable targets.
Part-5 Defender Punches
- Step forwards and drive your second punch into the attacker’s solar plexus.
Note: After the punch, the hand is not returned to the obi. It is quickly pulled back into the middle block position.
Note: Many of these interpretations look similar, but each has a nuance that the others do not contain. Harold Mitchum sensei was adamant about adding this little subtlety to every punch in his organization’s version of this kata.