[3.3.1] Seisan Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Single Lapel Grasp

[3.3.1] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to Lapel Grab

[Source:] Non-AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Single Hand Lapel Grabs
Part-2 Defender: Removes Grasp
  • Peel the hand off the lapel by grasping the thumb and pushing backwards.
Part-3 Defender Punches
  • Step forward pull the thumb down towards the obi and push the thumb forwards towards the attacker.
  • While the attacker is focused on the lock, deliver a vertical snap punch with the other.

Theory: This lock opens up the attacker’s centerline targets.

Note: If someone grasps your lapel, it is to control your movement. Most likely, this is to sucker punch you.

[End Series]

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