[4.5.0] Seisan Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Cross Lapel Choke

[4.5.0] Section-3 Kaishaku: Counter to Cross Lapel Choke
[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt [Unknown School]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs both Lapels (to control your movement)
Part-2 Defender: Double Elbow Locks
- Drive your fists between the attacker’s arms and into the attacker’s face.
Rule: I touch you … I hurt You
Note: The attacker’s elbows elbows should go out to increase pressure on the choke, but if they do not you may need to strike of the attacker’s choking arms.
- Wrap your arms around his/her arms placing them in a double elbow lock. Cross your hands and tie off to their clothing.
Note: Push your elbows out during the strike to open-up this technique. If the attacker does not release you cannot place them in this lock.
Part-3 Defender: Throws the Attacker
- Step behind them and turn 180° and throw the attacker over your rear-leg. (Osoto-gari)(Tai-otoshi)
Warning: The attacker cannot break their fall until you release the lock. You can also maintain the lock and drop on top of the attacker to increase the strain on their elbow joints. Plus dropping your bodyweight on the attacker can knock the wind out of the opponent.
Note: This lock and throw can also be found in Sunsu bunkai.
[End Series
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