[5.7.0] Seisan Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Round House Kick

[5.7.0] Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to Round Kick

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Round Kicks
Part-2 Defender: Trap Kick
  • Grab the attacker’s kick above the knee with your (LH). Wrap your arm around the leg.

Note: The arm can be wrapped under or over the knee.

  • Pull the trapped leg behind your backside.
Part-3 Attacker: Grabs You for Balance

Note: The attacker’s natural response is to grab onto you for balance.

Part-4 Defender: Ridge-hand Strike
  • Ridge-hand strike the attacker’s hand to break his/her grip.
Part-5 Defender: Palm-Heel and Takedown
  • Palm-heel strike to the face and run your hand behind their head.
  • Cup their neck and rotate 180°, and they will easily be thrown behind you. (Sukui-nage/Leg Throw)

Theory: When and adversary is on one leg, his/her balance can be broken in any direction. Do not let them tie-off to your person and regain balance. The throw must be done quickly.

Information: This bunkai is similar to other interpretations, but it demonstrates a different method of throwing the opponent, so it was included.

[End Series]

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