[5.8.0] Seisan Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Knee Strike

[5.8.0] Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to Knee Strike

[Source:] AKKA Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Your Neck and Knee Strikes

Warning: When you grasp the back of an opponent’s head do no lace your fingers together. If you do, your fingers can get dislocated. 

Part-2 Defender: Heaven and Earth Block
  • Ridge hand strike the attacker’s gripping arm.
  • Palm-heel block the attacker’s knee.

Note: This is a variation of the scissor block. In other versions of this form the hand does not go behind the buttocks.  It stays in front.

Part-3 Defender: Grasp the Attacker’s Neck and Knee
  • Slide up the arm that Ridge hand struck the attacker’s biceps and grasp the back of the attacker’s neck.  (Either Side)
  • Grasp the attacker’s other hand with the hand that made the palm-heel block and pull him/her off balance and forwards.
  • Lean forwards and drive your knee into the attacker.

Note: Do not lean back when you deliver the knee.

Hidden Technique: Drive your knee into the attacker’s groin, thigh, solar plexus, or face depending upon which target is presented.

Rule: You control the attacker by controlling his/her head.

[End Series]t

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