[10.4.0] Seisan Section-10 Bunkai: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[10.4.0] Section-10 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] What-if Scenarios

Information: This looks like the last series, but it is different in that it is a stationary response without a kick.

Note: This is only a portion of the whole bunkai.

Part-1 Attacker: Traps Wrist after Snap Punch
Part-2 Defender: Escape Attacker’s Grasp, Forearm Strike
  • Roll the trapped (LH) hand over the attacker’s wrist to break their hold.

Information: This known as a Snake-hand escape. Snake-hand escape attacks the thumb. As the attacker’s grasp is released, re-grab the attacker’s wrist trapping their arm.

  • Pivot the rear foot so that you’re in a Seiuchin-dachi or Shiko-dachi stance.
  • Pull the (LH) to the hip to break the attacker’s balance.
  • Roll the attacker’s arm so the elbow is pointing out.
  • Drive your right forearm into the attacker’s triceps muscle just above the elbow-joint in an effort to hyper extend it.        

Rule: I touch you… I hurt you. No wasted effort. Block Hard… Punch Hard.                    

[End Series]

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