[11.1.1] Seisan Section-11 Bunkai: Counter to a Lung Punch

[11.1.1] Section-11 Kaishaku: Counterattack to a Lung Punch

[Source:] Non-AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] What-if-Scenario

Note: This is a easily discernible bunkai. Do not over think this bunkai.

Part-1 Attacker: Steps Forward and Lead Hand Vertical Snap Punches
Part-2 Defender: Middle Shuto Block and Punch
  • The karateka steps backwards into a Cat Stance to create distance.
  • The karateka Middle Shuto Blocks with the lead hand circular block [Mawashuki] and grabs the attacker’s punching arm.
Part-3 Attacker Lead Leg Front Snap Kicks
Part-4 Defender Snap Kick, Reverse Punch
  • Maintaining the grasp on the attacker’s arm pull backwards as he kicks breaking his balance causing the kick to be off target.
  • As the attacker is fighting to regain his/her balance rear leg snap kick to the groin
  • Step back into Seisan-dachi and execute a reverse middle vertical punch to the solar plexus.

Information: Unskilled fighters rarely kick.

[End Series]

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