[11.2.0] Seisan Section-11 Bunkai: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[11.2.0] Section-11 Kaishaku: Counter to an Arm Grab
[Source:] Shorin-Ryu Black-belt
Note: Do not overthink this bunkai.
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Your Arm
Part-2 Defender: Snake-hand Escapes and Kicks
- Snake-hand escape and grasp their wrist.
- Pull the attacker forward.
- When he/she pulls back, execute a snap kick to the groin. The attacker’s thoughts are on escaping and not on blocking the kick. You can use him for balance
Theory: You need two points of balance to execute this technique. Holding onto the attacker and your rear-foot give you these two points of balance. When your opponent is on one pin, they can be moved or thrown in any direction.
- Maintain control of the attacker’s arm after the escape.
- Pull the attacker forward with chambering hand.
- Punch solar plexus with vertical snap punch.
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