[8.3.2] Seisan Section-8 Bunkai: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[8.3.2] Section-8 Kaishaku: Counter to Grasp of Snap Punch
[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt] [Series Variation]
[Rating:] Basic
Comment: This is not my favorite bunkai, but it shows how the same technique can be interpreted differently.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Vertical Snap Punch
Part-2 Defender: Forearm Elbow Strike (Hyperextension)
- Drop your center of gravity by stepping into a Kiba dachi (Horse Stance).
- Grasp the back of the attacker’s wrist and straighten his/her arm.
- Roll the arm until the attacker’s elbow is point sideways.
- Drive your forearm into their triceps muscle above the elbow joint to hyper extend the joint.
- Pull the attacker’s arm forwards and down to break his/her balance.
- Turn and throw the attacker with Tai-otoshi.
Note: The elbow strike is a distraction, so you can break the opponent’s balance for the throw.
[End Series]
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