[12.2.1] Seisan Section-12 Bunkai: Counter to a Double leg Takedown

[12.2.1] Section-12 Kaishaku: Counter to a Double Leg Takedown

[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Tries a Double Leg Takedown or Morote-gari (Football Tackle)
Part-2 Defender: Traps attacker’s Head and Neck and Rotates

Warning: Do not practice this bunkai without a qualified instructor’s supervision. DO NOT TEACH THIS TO CHILDREN.

  • Trap the adversary’s head with a guillotine choke.
  • Wrap one arm around his/her head and grasp the chin.
  • Wrap the other arm around his/her head or their top-knot.
  • Twist the attacker’s neck and arch your back to increase pressure on the lock.

Note: Turn the attacker’s head sideways to lock their neck. The chin needs to be pointing to the side away from your body.

  • Quickly rotate the head.
  • The attacker will turn their shoulders to relieve stress on the neck.
  • This technique is used to throw the attacker to the ground.

Warning: This technique puts extreme pressure on the attacker’s neck, so when practicing this move you must release the opponent’s neck and tie-off to your partner’s uniform.

[End Series]

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