[4.3.1] Seiunchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Lapel Grab (Good For Children)

[4.3.1] Seiunchin Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Lapel Grab (Children’s Bunkai)

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Old Bunkai]
[Rating:] Basic

Comment: This is a very simple bunkai that can be used to instruct children. This can be an excellent introduction into the practice of bunkai.

Note: This is a good example hoe the cat stance creates distance and can be used to pull an attacker off balance.

Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Lapel   
Part-2 Defender: Strips Attacker’s Grasp and Back-knuckle Strike                   
  • Pull backwards into a cat stance to break the attacker’s balance froward, after weaving your arm between the attacker’s arms that are holding your lapels.
  • Grasp your wrist and pull both hands to your hip.
  • Trap the attacker’s wrist. (LH)
  • Back-knuckle strike the attacker’s temple. (RH)

Information: This series of bunkai does not contain all the movements in the hanto series.

[End Series]

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