[4.4.0] Seiunchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to an Attacker’s Reach

[4.4.0] Seiunchin Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to an Attacker’s Reach

[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] What-if-Scenario/Moderate

Comment: I watched an IWKA instructor with a very similar bunkai.

Part-1 Attacker: Reaches for You
Part-2 Defender: Intercepts the fist and Breaks the attacker’s Balance
  • Intercept the attacker’s wrist and pull the attacker’s hand to your hip. (LH)
Part-3 Attacker: Pulls Hand Backwards
Part-4 Defender Back-knuckle Strikes and Elbow-lock
  • Maintain the trapped wrist (LH) and back-knuckle the attacker. (RH)

[Alternative bunkai] Push the attacker’s hand backwards as the attacker pulls their hand backwards and drive the attacker’s fist into their face.


                                                                                                          Alternative Strike

Theory: The strike is a distraction and not will knock the attacker out. It sets up the elbow lock.

  • Step backwards into Shiko-dachi.
  • Pull the attacker’s wrist in the direction you’re turning to break their balance. (CCW)
  • Execute a standing elbow lock with forearm pressure. (RH)
  • Back-knuckle strike to their solar-plexus. (RH)

Theory: Some instructors believe this is only a back-knuckle strike. They say that the reason the hand is covered is to show that you’re controlling the attacker by grasping his/her wrist.

[Alternate Bunkai] If the attacker tries to stop your movement, maintain wrist control with your rear-hand and back-knuckle strike with the lead-hand.

Part-3 Attacker: Punches (with their second hand)
Part-4 Defender Elbow Strike
  • Release the attacker’s wrist while turning and stepping backwards. (LH)

Note: Turning and stepping backwards into a side stance it to avoid the punch. (shiko-dachi)

  • Trap the punch and pull the wrist to your hip. (RH)
  • Horizontal elbow strike as you’re pulling the attacker’s arm backwards to break their balance. (LH)
  • Back-knuckle strike the attacker’s temple or face and release the trapped hand. (LH)

Theory: To make these kaishaku effective they must be practiced like a drill until it is mastered. Trapping drills should be practiced regularly in class.

[End Series]

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