[4.5.0] Seiunchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[4.5.0] Seiunchin Section-4 Kaishaku: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Old Bunkai]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Wrists
Part-2 Defender: Grab Your Own Fist and Pull Upwards and Back- Knuckle.
  • Grasp your own fist.
  • Quickly pull your fist towards your chest and rotate your hands to your hip to break the attacker’s grip.

Note: Pressure must be against both of the attacker’s thumbs.

Part-3 Attacker: Losses Grip
Part-4 Defender Back-knuckle Strikes and Grab the Attacker’s Wrist.
  • Back-knuckle strike to the opponent’s head.
  • Grab the opponent’s wrist.

Note: The strike needs to break the attacker’s nose.

Part-5 Attacker: Lead Leg Kicks
Part-6 Defender: Low Block.
  • Execute a low block.
Part-7 Attacker: Rear Leg Kicks
Part-8 Defender: Low Block.
  • Step back into Shiko-dachi to create distance
  • Execute a low block.

Theory: The low blocks sequence is simply how to block two consecutive kicks.

[End Series]

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