[5.1.0] Seiunchin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[5.1.0] Seiunchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[Source:]Non AOKK Organization Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Punches
Part-2 Defender: Traps Punch (Rear-hand)
  • Step backwards in a Horse Stance
  • Grab punching arm with the lead arm as you’re stepping backwards. (RH) [High Archer]
Part-3 Attacker: Front Kicks (off the rear leg)
Part-4 Defender Knife-hand Blocks Kick
  • Low knife hand or Shuto block the kick. (LH) [Low Archer]

Note: This is a variation of the Heaven and Earth Block.

Part-5 Defender Slap and Hammer-fist Strike
  • Slap the side of the attacker’s jaw line turning the attacker’s head. (LH) [Left Hand]
  • Hammer fist to the attacker’s temple or jaw. (RH) [Right Hand]

[End Series]

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