[5.1.2] Seiunchin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to One Two Combination

[5.1.2] Seiunchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to One Two Combination

[Source:] Bubishi] [Charging Iron Bull]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Hesitates (before they punch)

Information: Double-archers portion of the series only.

Part-2 Defender: Shuto and Forearm Block
  • Quickly close the distance and push their punch down with the lead hand shuto (LH).
  • Block the attacker’s rear hand punch with your forearm (RH)
Part-3 Defender: Shuto Strike
  •  Strike downwards with a shuto strike utilizing your rear hand (RH) or the same arm that blocked the second punch. [This is the hand that looks like it is in a salute.]

Note: Strike the collarbones. Snap the strike downwards quickly and return it to its original guarding position.

Note: As the hand returns to the saluting position, it can be used to block second blow.

[End Series]

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