[5.1.4] Seiunchin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[5.1.4] Seiunchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Reverse Punch
[Source:] Shaolin Chin-na [Fisherman Spreads His Fishing Net]
[Rating:] Moderate
Note: This is the Archer Shuto movement only.
Part-1 Attacker: Punches with Right-Hand
- Trap the punch with your Right-Hand. (RH)
Part-2 Defender: Leg Scoops and Throws
- Step behind his right leg with your left leg. [Kiba-dachi]
- Move your left arm across the attacker’s chest and tie off. (LH)
- Release the attacker’s right hand.
- Grasp the attacker’s pant leg or obi and lift.
- Sweep the attacker’s lead leg with your left leg backwards. (Deashi-harri)
- Push back with your left arm and pull upwards with your right arm breaking the attacker’s balance.
- Throw the attacker backwards.
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