[12.2.4] Seisan Section-12 Bunkai: Counter to a Double Leg Takedown

[12.2.4] Seisan Section-12 Kaishaku: Counter to a Double Leg Takedown

[Source:] Jujitsu Black-belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Tries a Double Leg Takedown (tries to tackle you)
Part-2 Defender: Traps Attacker’s Head and Chokes Attacker
  • Double slap the attacker’s ears.
  • Wrap one arm around his/her head and place them in a guillotine choke.
  • Set backwards onto your buttocks.
  • Wrap your legs around the attacker’s hips and push the attacker’s hips backwards while continuing to choke the attacker by pulling his/her head forwards. (arch your back)

[End Series]

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