[5.1.6] Seiunchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Front Kick

[5.1.6] Seiunchin Section-5 Kaishaku: Counter to a Front Kick

[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt [Old Bunkai]
[Rating:] Basic

Information: This bunkai only deals with the technique after the double archers. Trapping the attacker’s leg is a good technique because it breaks down the attacker’s foundation. When an adversary is on one leg you are completely in control It is always a good idea to throw the opponent to the ground as quickly as possible.

Part-1 Attacker: Front Kicks.
Part-2 Defender: Scoops Kick and Hammer-fist Strike
  • Scoop the kicking leg at the knee with your (LH).
  • When the attacker leans forward to regain their balance, hammer fist strike his/her temple.
  • Push the attacker backwards and elbow strike.
Part-3 Defender Sweeps and Dumps the Attacker
  • Shuffle forward in Seisan-dachi breaking the attacker’s balance.
  • Uppercut strike under the aggressor’s chin.
  • Grasp the attacker’s collar and dump him/her backwards by sweeping their support leg. In a self-defense application you would want the aggressor to preferably land headfirst. (sukui-nage)

Note: Press elbow into the attacker’s chest and push backwards.

[End Series]

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