[3.3.0] Naihanchin Section-3 Bunkai: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch

[3.3.0] Naihanchin Section-3 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Lead Hand Punch)

[Source:] IWKA Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Steps Forward and Lead Hand Punches
  • Steps forward with the left leg and punches with the (RH).
Part-2 Defender: Heel Kick, Shoulder Lock, Elbow, Throw
  • Trap the attacker’s punch.
  • Cross-over heel kick to the attacker’s knee with your right leg.
  • Open hand circular block around the attacker’s punch CCW with the (LH) and roll into a shoulder lock while stepping behind the attacker into a horse stance. (kiba dachi)
  • Elbow strike the attackers head and face.
  • Throw the attacker with tani-otoshi (Valley Drop)

Comment: This bunkai was rated “Moderate” because of the difficulty of applying the shoulder locking techniques. To make this applicable the student would need a great deal of full speed practice. Still… I like it.

[End Series]

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