[6.3.0] Seiunchin Section-6 Bunkai: Counter to a Punch and Kick Combo

[6.3.0] Seiunchin Section-6 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Punch and Kick Combo)

[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] What-if-Scenario
Part-1 Attacker: Behind You Throws a Punch and Then Kicks with Rear Leg
  • Turn to face the attacker.
  • Block the adversary’s punch with a middle block.
  • Block the kick with a low block.

Theory: Simultaneous technique does not mean they are thrown at the same time, but one right after the other. Simultaneous deals more with timing than throwing two techniques at the same time. One technique follows the other so closely that they appear to be happening at the same time.

Note: This is a version of the Heaven and Earth block.

Part-2 Attacker: Shin Kicks
Part-3 Defender: Knee Block and Uppercut
  • Knee-block the attacker’s shin kick/ leg kick. (Knee Block)
  • Uppercut to the attacker’s chin.
  • Utilizing the principles of economy of motion, swing a back-knuckle to the bridge of the attacker’s nose using the same arm that delivered the uppercut.
  • Low back knuckle strike to the solar plexus again utilizing the same arm.
Part-4 Attacker: Lead Leg Kicks
Part-5 Defender: Low Block
  •  Step Back into Shiko dachi and Low block the attacker’s lead leg kick. (LH)

Note: Step back in shiko dachi to create distance.

Rule: The best way to not get hit… is to not be in range.

Note:  Attack thigh with a low block using the top two knuckles of the fist.

Rule: I touch you… I hurt you. No wasted motion.

Theory: It is not a good idea to block kicks with your arms because it opens the face to attack. This is an old interpretation. It is better to block lower body attacks with your legs, knees, and shins.

[End Series]

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