[6.5.0] Seiunchin Section-6 Bunkai: Counter to a One-Two Punch

[6.5.0] Seiunchin Section-6 Kaishaku: (Counter to a One-Two Punch)
[Source:] Goju-ryu Black-Belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Comment: There is a lot of information to unpack from this apparently simple self-defense series. Not every series of catenated techniques is a counterattack only. They can also contain theories of fighting. This bunkai contains both.
Rule: Simultaneous techniques is not always thrown at the same time during a counterattack. In bunkai it could mean the techniques are thrown so quickly one after the other that it appears to be one motion. These techniques are thrown simultaneously in kata to note how quickly they follow each other.
Part-1 Attacker: Lead Punches
- Step forward and punch with the hand over the lead leg. (Lunge Punch)
Part-2 Defender: Low Block
- Block downward the lead hand punch with your (LH) hand.
Theory: A Low block can deflect a blow from the head to the groin. Even the upward movement of pulling the hand to the ear can be a deflection. The forearm sweeps across the torso deflecting any blow in its’ arch.
Part-3 Attacker: Reverse Punches
Part-4 Defender: Middle Block
- Middle block outward the punch with your (RH) hand.
Theory: A middle block is circular by nature and can deflect a blow from the head to the groin. The forearm sweeps across the torso deflecting any blow in its’ arch. The height of the fist is only regulated in kata performance. It can be higher or lower as necessary.
Part-5 Defender: Trap Punch and Upper-cut
- Step into Shiko dachi Slide the hand forwards, that made a low block, and uppercut the attacker’s chin. (LH)
Rule: A single arm can be used multiple times before striking with the opposite weapon.
Theory: This bunkai teaches the student that the lead hand is versatile. Don’t limit your weapons.
Note: Do not get locked into a right then left cadence in your counterattack.
Note: Driving your fist under the opponent’s chin can end the confrontation.
Part-6 Attacker: Lead Hand Punches
Note: Your rear hand rests palm-forward over your solar-plexus. (RH) This indicates a trapping technique.
Part-7 Defender: Back Knuckle and Hammer Fist
- Trap the attacker’s punch with your rear hand (RH).
- Pull the same arm backwards and snap a back-knuckle forward to the attacker’s nose. (LH)
Note: Strike down with the back of the knuckles on the bridge of the attacker’s nose. This is the best way to separate it.
Note: Making a novice fighter bleed is a good idea. If they’re thinking about the blood, they not focused. This will not happen with an experienced fighter. They will not be deterred by the blood, so you should not be deterred if you’re bleeding. You can take care of the injury after combat has ceased.
- Circle the same arm around and drive a hammer fist into the attacker’s groin. (LH)
Rule: To land a strike high, set it up with a low strike first. This also works in the opposite direction.
[End Series]