[4.5.0] Naihanchin Section-4 Bunkai: Counter to a Reverse Punch

[4.5.0] Naihanchin Section-4 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Reverse Punch)
[Source:] AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Punches (to your solar plexus)
Part-2 Defender: Ridge-hand Block and Strike
- Ridge-hand block the attacker’s straight punch and redirect the attack.
- Turn the hand over and slide it forward on the inside of the attacker’s arm.
- Drive a palm-heel strike into the attacker’s jaw.
- Cup his/her neck and pull forwards.
- Drive your elbow under the attacker’s jaw. [Series This is a knock-out and ends the first series of situational self-defense.]
Theory: Holding the attacker’s neck controls the opponent’s movements, but it also makes finding the target easier. Try this experiment. Close your eyes and drive your elbow into your hand. Your mind even with your eyes closed can find your hand. In the heat of the fight placing your hand on the neck or head of your adversary will guide this strike.
Theory: This series is based upon Conservation of Movement. We are going to use the same hand that blocked to trap the aggressor’s head. This concept is one only grasped by a high level of training and understanding in the martial arts.
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