[5.2.0] Naihnachin Section-5 Bunkai: Counter to a Round Kick

[5.2.0] Naihnachin Section-5 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Round Kick)

[Source:] Okinawan Kenpo Black-belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Round Kicks
Part-2 Defender: Traps the Kick
  • Grab the attacker’s leg as he/she delivers a roundhouse kick to the front of the thigh.
Part-3 Defender Stomp Kicks Attacker’s Knee
  • Stomp kick to the back of the attacker’s knee joint to push him to his knees.
Part-4 Defender Spear-finger Strikes Throat or Eyes
  • Spear finger strike to attacker’s throat or eyes.

[End Series]

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