[6.2.0] Naihanchin Section-6 Bunkai: Counter to a Lapel Grab

[6.2.0] Naihanchin Section-6 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Lapel Grab)
[Source:] [AOKK Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grabs Your Lapels
Information: This movement is found in Shimabuku’s original version of the kata and is a hidden technique representing a kick. In the Korean version it is a Crescent kick, and in the Japanese version it is a high arcing stomp. In a few Isshin-ryu versions of this kata this technique is a side snap kick.
Theory: This movement can be straight ahead just by turning your body sideways and executing this same movement. This kaishaku is not necessarily from the front with your back against a wall according to the Shorin-Ryu practitioners.
Part-2 Defender: Spear-hand and Crossover Heel Kick
- With the chambered hand grasp the attacker’s arm.
- With the left open spear hand grasp the attacker’s belt. (Control)
- Step into an X-stance or Crane stance and deliver a crossover heel kick.
Note: The crane stance can also be used to load the sidekick as-well-as the heel-kick.
Part-3 Attacker Breaks Free
Part-4 Defender Heel-kicks Knee
- Step out of the crane stance.
- Squat round kick to the attacker’s groin.
Note: The Squat Round Kick is one of the fundamental kicks found in Isshin-ryu. It is not found in other styles of karate.