[6.3.0] Naihanchin Section-6 Bunkai: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch

[6.3.0] Naihanchin Section-6 Kaishaku: (Counter to a Lead Hand Punch)
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black-belt
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Information: Yes, this is very similar to the Motobu-ryu version, but it demonstrates that this application is viable in more situations than a simple grab.
Part-1 Attacker: Steps Forward and Lead Hand Punches
- Steps forward with the left leg and punches with the (RH).
Part-2 Defender: Trap, Spear finger, Crossover Heel Kick
- Trap the punch (RH).
- Pull the attacker forwards (RH).
- Spear finger strike or palm-heel the attacker (LH).
- Crossover heel kick the attacker’s knee.
Part-3 Attacker: Pulls Backwards
Part-4 Defender: Jumping Knee Strike
- Drive a jumping knee into the attacker.
Hidden Technique: This kick is demonstrated by the lifting of the knee before dropping into the Horse stance. The reason it is not in the AOKK kata, is that the kick can be in any direction the opponent moves and can be any type of kick you choose to throw side, front, or back. Originally, I was taught a version that included the side kick, but after attending a seminar with Master Harold Mitchum I removed it because he was adamant about not changing the movements in the form even if your bunkai include other techniques. My goal is to find a solid self-defense.
[End Series]
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