[6.7.0] Chinto Section-6 Bunkai (Counter to a Charging Opponent)

[6.7.0] Chinto Section-6 Bunkai (Counter to a Charging Opponent)

[Source:] [Jujitsu/Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
Rating: Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Charges You
Part-2 Defender: Grasp and Throw the Attacker with Ogoshi
  • Wait patiently and grasp the attacker as they reach for you.

Note: Timing is everything in this technique.

  • Grasp the attacker’s lead hand and under-hook his/her body.
  • Rotate your hips and throw the attacker over your hips.

Note: The attacker breaks his/her own balance. All you need to do is use their momentum to facilitate the throw. In essence they throw themselves.

[End Series]

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