[6.7.0] Kusanku Section-6 Bunkai: Counter to a Punch

[6.7.0] Kusanku Section-6 Bunkai (Counter to a Punch)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai (1st)
Part-1 Attacker: Punches.
Part-2 Defender: Rear-hand Traps Punch, Shuto Strikes, and Front Kicks
- Grasp the attacker’s punching hand with your rear hand.
- Twist into a crane stance.
- Strike down (Shuto) on the attacker’s collarbone or neck (Brachial Plexus).
Note: The shuto depends upon which target presents itself. If you break the adversary’s collarbone, the fight will usually go out of your opponent. If the adversary is on drugs you may be forced to break their other collarbone to limit their weapons because chances, are they do not feel the pain. Pain is a wonderful teacher, but when it is absent there is no impetus to comply. A shuto to the neck will cause a brief shutdown of blood flow to the brain.
- As the attacker pulls away, front kick the inside of his/her thigh (Femoral Nerve).
Information: The novice will use the ball of the foot, but the expert will use his/her big toe. The old masters trained until they could break wood with a toe strike.
Information: The karateka must understand the anatomy of the human body. Today we know more about human anatomy than any time in the past. Early karateka studied Chinese medicine to strengthen their karate. It is as much about where to hit as it is how to hit. Nerve roots are good places to hit.