[8.5.0] Kusanku Section-8 Bunkai: Counter to a Front Kick

[8.5.0] Kusanku Section-8 NBunkai (Counter to a Front Kick)

[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Front Kicks
Part-2 Defender: Trap, Back-knuckle, Kick, and Elbow Strike
  • Trap the attacker’s kick and pull backwards into a cat stance to break his/her balance.
  • When the attacker tries to escape deliver a back knuckle.
  • Snap kick to the bladder.
  • Move forwards and drop to one knee and hook the attacker’s foot.
  • Push the attacker backwards.
  • Drive your elbow into the attacker’s groin.

Rule: Stacking hands and dropping into a cat stance is normally indicates a move to break the attacker’s balance.

[End Series]

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