[12.3.0] Kusanku Section-12 Bunkai (Counter to a Side Kick)

[12.3.0] Kusanku Section-12 Bunkai (Counter to a Side Kick)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black Belt]
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Side Kicks
Part-2 Defender: Trap Kick
- Pull back into a cat stance to create distance.
- Trap the side kick.
Note: This will reduce the impact of the side kick and give you more time to trap the kick
- Hold the trapped leg with the (RH).
Note: Trapping the leg breaks the attacker’s balance.
Part-3 Attacker: Grabs for Balance
Part-4 Defender: Back-knuckle, Crescent Kick and Throw
- Step out into Seiuchin/Shiko dachi stepping behind the attacker with your lead leg.
- Strike with a back-knuckle to the attacker’s face.
Note: This is to remove the attacker’s grasp as he/she tries to regain balance. A backhand slap can also be used to remove the attacker’s attempt to regain their balance.
- Open your hand and grab the attacker.
- Crescent kick the attacker in the face, groin, bladder, or solar plexus.
Note: The inside Crescent Kick is a strong kick and does not apply pressure to the knee joint like the Inside Crescent Kick. The height of the kick is only relative to your flexibility, but it is not a good kick if it is too high. Try to keep it only a little above the waist.
Warning: If this kick is too high, your leg can be trapped, and he/she can pull you to the ground.
- Throw the attacker with Tai-otoshi.
Note: His balance will be broken over your lead leg. Drive your heel into his bladder while pulling backwards to enable the throw.
Step over the attacker as he/she goes down.
Theory: At is point you can either make your escape or step over the hip line for the mount. If you get pulled to the ground, you will need to be skilled in grappling techniques.