[21.3.0] Sunsu Section-21 Bunkai (Counter to Lapel Grasp)

[21.3.0] Sunsu Section-21 Bunkai (Counter to Lapel Grasp)

[Source:] [AKKA Isshin-Ryu Black-Belt]
[Rating:] AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Part-1 Attacker: Attacker Grasps your Lapels

Rule: If an attacker grasps your lapels, it is to control your movement or to throw you.

Part-2 Defender:
  • Strike down on one of the attacker’s wrists (RH).
  • Strike upwards on the other of the attacker’s wrists (LH).

Note: Striking up on one wrist and down on the other makes it more difficult for the opponent to maintain their grip.

  • Blade kick to the attacker’s knee.

[End Series]

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