[2.5.0] Wansu Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Bear Hug

[2.5.0] Wansu Section-2 Bunkai (Counter to a Bear Hug)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu Black-belt]
Rating: Basic
Part-1 Attacker Wraps His/Her Arms Around You
Part-2 Defender: Fishhooks Attacker’s Jaw and Chokes Attacker
- Place your arm around and behind his/her head and fishhook their cheek. Pull back on the fishhook twisting the attacker’s head around.
- Slide the forearm across their throat and tie off to their collar and begin choking them.
Note: The choke is a distraction.
Note: Land on your opponent if possible.
Part-3 Defender Fish-hooks and Throws Attacker
- Slide your leg behind the attacker and kick out or reap their supporting leg when you turn on a 45˚angle. (Tai-otoshi)(Osoto-gari)
- As the attacker is falling pull fishhook down towards the ground. This will snap his head around and enable the throw.
Note: This will look like a low block.
- If the attacker tries to resist falling, strike the back of his/her head (gallbladder 20) and drive them to the ground.
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