[8.3.1] Naihanchin Section-8 Bunkai: Counter to a Reach or Grab

[8.3.1] Naihanchin Section-8 Bunkai (Counter to a Reach or Grab)
[Source:] Jujitsu Black Belt
[Rating:] Moderate
Part-1 Attacker: Reaches for a Grab
Theory: When someone grasps your clothing, it is to control your movement. After they grab you, they will attempt to throw you or, push you into a wall, or strike you. The moment a person grabs you; you must initiate a counterattack. Hesitate and you’ve lost.
Part-2 Defender: Elbow Lock, Uppercut, and Throw
- Wrap your arm around the attacker’s arm. (LH)
- Tie-off to the attacker’s clothing (LH).
- Place the attacker in an elbow lock.
Part-3 Attacker Punches with his/her free hand.
Part-4: Block, Strike, and Throw
- Block the blow with your forearm and Palm-heel strike to the attacker’s chin. (RH)
- Tie-off to your wrist with a figure-four. (RH)
- Rotate your shoulders and break the attacker’s balance to the back and side.
- Sweep the attacker’s leg by striking with the flat of your foot behind the opponent’s knee and throw the attacker to the ground. (Kosoto-gari)
Note: This throw is made with via the elbow lock.
Note: The strike to the back of the knee is with the returning foot of the forty-five-degree blade kick. Kicks are not always what they appear to be. We tend to think of kicks as strikes. This is another reason we emphasize the speed of the return of the kick back to the chambered position because the strike is sometimes made with the foot moving back into the chambered position and not being extended.
[End Series]
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