[8.2.3] Section-8 Bunkai: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Grab

[8.2.3] Section-8 Bunkai: Counter to a Lead Hand Punch or Grab
[Source:] Isshin-ryu Black Belt
[Rating:] Basic
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs with His/Her Lead Hand
Part-2 Defender: Trap Attacker’s Arm and Uppercut
- Block inside with your forearm and wrap your arm around the grasping hand (LH)
- Uppercut to the chin. (RH)
- Tie-off to the attacker’s clothing with the arm that is locking the attacker’s shoulder.
- Grasp the attacker’s shoulder, lapel, or sleeve with your free hand.
- Head butt strike to the attacker’s head.
Note: Striking the soft tissue areas around the eyes will cut the opponent and cause bleeding.
Note: When the attacker pulls backwards, after the head-butt, make the minor outside reaping throw.
Information: In karate we use strikes, locks, and chokes to break an attacker’s balance. Old school karate was not a sport. Modern karate has removed these aspects, I believe, for safety reasons. Judoka use twisting and pulling of the torso to break an opponent’s balance. This is also an aspect of karate’s disrupting the adversary’s posture, but it is not the only method available to the karateka. Striking and locks have all but been removed from modern judo. Karateka need to learn the whole art and not simply the portion that remained after the nineteen thirties modernization in Japan. This is a good example of using the whole art form.
- Sweep the attacker’s leg. (Kosoto-gari)
[End Series]