[2.8.0] Wansu Section-2 Bunkai: Counter to a Wrist Grab

[2.8.0] Wansu Section-2 Bunkai (Counter to a Wrist Grab)
[Source:] [Isshin-ryu / Jujitsu Black-belt]
Rating: AOKK Preferred Bunkai
Note: This Bunkai is similar to 2.2.1.
Note: This bunkai leverages your elbow to facilitate the throw. This is not a finesse move it is a power throw.
Note: Pulling the attacker to hips breaks his/her balance forwards, so they will pull backwards. This must be don in one fluid motion while your leg sweeps behind the attacker’s leg. As the attacker pulls backwards, they begin to throw themselves over your leg.
Note: This is a power throw. The elbow pushes while your shoulders and hips rotate. The normal Osoto-otoshi or Tai-otoshi takes the adversary straight backwards, but in the Wansu version the hips and shoulders rotate to generate power.
Note: The elbow can be more than the driving force. It can be used to strike the opponent to increase their momentum backwards. Once the strike has made contact you must begin the push and rotation.
Part-1 Attacker: Grabs Your Wrist
Rule: When an attacker grasps your wrist, it is to control your movement.
Note: This in most cases it is to pull you somewhere. It could be into an alley or forwards for a sucker punch. It could also be to set-up a throwing technique.
Rule: No one can place their hands on you without your consent.
Note: This rule does not apply to parents or your guardian.
Part-2 Defender: Trap Attacker’s Hands, elbows, and Throws
- Place your hand on top of their hand.
- Raise your hands horizontally, and tie-off to the attacker’s wrist or clothing.
- Pull the attacker close.
- Step in a ½ moon until your foot is behind the attacker’s leg.
- Strike or place your elbow on his/her sternum and push forward while turning on a 45˚ angle.
- Kick back with your lead leg breaking the attacker’s balance. (Osoto-otoshi-Tai-otoshi)
Note: The main technique in this interpretation is the sweeping throw. All the hand movements set up the throw. Still, the only object here is to throw the attacker over your leg.